authored by Ping & Hima

(best viewed on PC)

A Limbus Company AU where all of the sinners are more or less in a band or two; set in Midwest America, and in the worst state you can think of.


Set in Midwest America, Limbus Company's sinners are now split up into two bands: Dies Irae and Ineffective Dosage. All of them attend the same university, and they all have varying degrees of problems and issues with each other, in usual sinner fashion.
Arguably this all started with Ishmael and Faust, who were in a strange, unlabelled relationship with each other throughout 3 years. And in a refusal to simply take responsibility and finally say what they are for sure, things slowly fell apart between the two, and they drifted off into their own bands respectively. Ishmael brings her closest friend Meursault with her, screaming out emotions in rough sounds; and Faust, having encountered the enigmatic Ryoshu, gets recruited into her band, starting yet another strange relationship, for the sake of trying to discover more.

Now, both bands are trying to find their own footing and are each trying to resolve their issues with each other, maybe not for the sake of positive relations, but for the sake of survival, in the lonely, droning Midwest town they're all imprisoned in.

Anything can happen, really.


  • The first band Dies Irae is written by Ping. The second band Inffective Dosage is written by Hima.

  • There’s no direct and one plotline, only established backgrounds and relationships and things that may happen. This was an AU written for fun, so your imagination's the limit. Fill in all the gaps you like.

  • We're like, really bad at designing fashion. You can make them wear whatever if you're planning to make content lol.

  • Some of the character profiles are shorter because both authors didn't know what to do with them.

  • Both authors hilariously do not live anywhere near Midwest America; we are both Filipinos living in the Philippines. We however both have varying degrees of experience and knowledge about band culture, albeit not American band culture specifically, so keep this in mind in case some things don't seem all that true to life.

  • And considering the bullet above, neither of us can identify a specific state for you.

  • We do not support every band chosen for the character profiles; they were only picked to establish the kind of sound we wanted for that sinner.

  • And on the album choices, some of them are a little strange because I wasn't sure on those lol. Just, source: dude trust me



In case you wanted to quickly understand the scope of the web of relationships we ended up cooking.



(Death Is Eternal Slumber, In Resignment And Exaltation)

A biting, rough, and loud Nu Metal band primarily under Ryoshu's creative vision, with Faust and Hong Lu on duo vocals. A mess of a group that couldn't get their sound to harmonize at first, but now can produce a sound that is practically aiming to kill you.


An angst-ridden and highly emotional Midwest Emo band that dabbles in other genres from time to time, led by Ishmael and Meursault. All of their lyrics are varying degrees of vague callouts towards a certain someone or loud declarations of sadness and inability to change.